The Mind Garage
The CAROUSEL, Clarksburg, WV. 1968
Carousel Poster

My name is Terry. In 1972 I was the Manager of the Burger Chef which was located next to the church where the Mind Garage played in Clarksburg on Chestnut Street. It is a Seventh Day Adventist church now. The church had a place that was called the Coffee House. It was a place were the so called hippy's of the day went to dance and listen to music.

My boss Pat hated the place because everyone would use the Burger Chef parking lot for parking. He did everything in his power to get it closed down. I still remember sweeping up empty glue containers left in the parking lot by huffers of the day. I got along great with most of the people who went to the Coffee House and went there often myself but never let Pat know it. Many of those guys are still my friends.

Those were the days of redbud, yellow mescaline, purple micro-dots, opium hash, sunshine and window pane. I was never into the downs and that is why I am still here. The late 60's were great and the survivors are now either in their 60's or close to it. They say that if you remember the 60's you weren't there. That is not true. They were great days and times and I am glad I was in my youth then.

It was in November of 1972 when the Carousel burned to the ground. The building was never rebuilt. Today it is an empty lot. I don't remember the exact date. Either I went out to party or I closed the Burger Chef and was up late that night and followed the fire trucks down West Pike Street in Clarksburg. I pulled over in front of the old Martin's Grill and watched it burn to the ground. It was a hell of a fire.

1968 © 2005 Mind Garage