Hand drawn posters and banners like this one on telephone poles, in windows or anywhere we
could find to put them gave notice where ever the Mind Garage played in Morgantown during
the years 1967 to 69. They disappeared almost as fast as they were put up. People wanting
a souvenier would take them. A fair trade, as they came to the shows."

Daily Atheneum WVU Student Newspaper 1967

A most fantastic October Afternoon turned into a Celebration of Life
for one afternoon and into the night. But the memory will last a lifetime.

Danny Wiles and Carol Posey - Two Beautiful People at Camp Muffly October 1967
Danny and Poe married but passed away much too soon. I miss them.
I could amuse Poe (Carol) by saying things like " see that road outside? Imagine it
hundreds of years from now. Watch it. Can you see the grass and trees growing
up through the cracked pavement. She would laugh at me   :-)
Carol Posey, like her name sounded, was a flower. She left behind a daughter, Meredith.

Two girls enjoying a sunny October day
Photo Courtesy Phil Shuman

Norris Lytton at Camp Muffley
Photo Courtesy Phil Shuman